Kevin Morales 6/2/14
Money is not what it used to be!
Yesterday I noticed that the price of many things changed in the store, except the candy. I was wondering if the taxes increased or something fishy was going on. The taxes increased 2.9% since April. Why? The government needs these finances to carry out essential projects like testing new vehicles, sending other rockets in outer space to find life in other planets, to build new structures or buildings. Although that 2.9% does not sound that bad, the taxes in NJ were about 7% but now it is 9.9% which is around 10%. Money is not what is used to be back then, $100 is nothing these days. Not even $1000 can support you. The average American needs to make at least $70,000 a year so she/he has a good funding to pay bills, food and clothing. It seems like everyone is trying to get as much money as possible because there is always an opening for a good job. Anyone can spend all their money in 5 minutes or less if they had the money for it. The unemployment rate in the U.S. is 37.2%.
Everyone wants money so badly but it is very hard to keep.
Rich people can lose tons of money and don’t really care about it because they
think they still have money. It’s not like that, “I bet I can blow away $100 in
a minute or less”-My Stepfather. How can we afford to fix this problem? I do
not know other than making the government have a 5% tax rate or decrease the
prices of certain objects. Money is not what it used to be! What can we do?
Nothing! It appears the only thing we can do is wait until things get better.
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